So Many Changes!
So much has happened over the past two weeks, that I don’t even know where to start!
If you’ve been into the lounge, lately, you’ll see that we’ve made some huge changes! We’ve expanded our shop and made our lounge more intimate and traditional. While we will no longer have DJ nights, we’re focused on providing a relaxing experience for you. Don’t worry about entertainment! I’m always scheming up new things to bring into the shop and lounge for you.
Speaking of bringing things into the lounge, a new flavor of fruit shisha has hit the floor! Raspberry is here for the season, and it’s phenomenal! Try it on its own, or mix it up with mint, lemon, strawberry, or any other flavor that catches your eye!
We’re not forgetting the shop! Ashley is working on bringing in new products by the ton! Keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages to get constant updates on new product and everything that’s happening in the lounge! Not to mention, there may be something sweet in it for you coming up soon!
Also, if you stop into the shop, take a look at the calendar behind the register! Every week from now on, we’ll be changing up the calendar to keep your interest and offer you a deal! But, there’s a catch. You have to solve my riddles! I’ll keep them short and sweet (no Einstein’s riddle, here!) and you get to take a chance to get 10% off of any purchase you make!
So, stop on by and witness these changes for yourself, and have a raspberry fruit shisha while you're here! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, all of which are listed below, and keep an eye on all of our new arrivals!
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