Biz Update! — Souzza Skip to content


Biz Update!

Biz Update!

It's been a while, to say the least. We have been so busy the past year it's unbelievable! To think, we went from 2 display cases (barely full of products), back in 2013, to 14 cases entirely full and a bunch of floor and wall shelving! WOW! What a journey it's been.

Okay so what's been up with us lately?... We have a new hire! Jordan is going to do awesome! She's learning more and more each day! It helps that she's interested in the products we sell! Matt is helping train and get her ready for the big leagues! 

Margret, alongside working the showroom, is helping us with our website; GreatestTweets.com. It's really coming along great! Let us know what you think...

As we climb into the middle of the year, we are making updates and adding products to Souzza.com. You will be able to view some of the products we carry in store and have them shipped to anywhere in the country. Or you could do it the old fashioned way and come into the store! lol We love seeing faces in here!

With that said, as we start to ship products out, we love feedback! You can reply to this blog post or send me an email directly (Zach@Souzza.com) if you have a suggestion! Whether it be new product additions, concerns or praises, we want to hear it! Factually, we need to hear it! It's the only way to progress, am I right?

Well, ladies and gents, until next time!

P.S. Always think before you act. 

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